Book Review
To ensure your book review meets the necessary standards, please keep in mind the following guidelines:
- A book review should provide a thorough description of the book, supported by evidence and examples.
- Avoid using subjective expressions such as personal preferences in your review.
- In addition to describing the book, it's important to also take a critical stance and identify its strengths and weaknesses.
- You should begin your book review by including the full reference of the book, followed by the author's name and their affiliation or place of residence.
- All reviews will be evaluated by two referees, and may be sent to a third for further evaluation if necessary, based on the 2018 Ulakbim’s (TR Index) criteria.
- Your review should be between 1000-1200 words and should include page numbers in parenthesess, e.g. (p. 20).
- If you are writing a book review that is edited, it is sufficient to give an overall assessment instead of addressing each chapter separately.
- In your concluding paragraph, describe how the book contributes to the field and consider the potential audience.
- Please note that book reviews do not require an abstract. Submit your review to the journal via
- At the end of your review, include your first name and surname, affiliated institution and title, email, and ORCIDs of all authors. You can obtain an ORCID number for free from
If you have any questions or concerns about writing a book review, please don't hesitate to reach out to us:
Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences, Istanbul University, Fatih/Istanbul TURKEY