Author Guidelines
Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies accepts articles on all topics related to diaspora and migration.
The title page should include the authors' full names, academic or professional affiliations, and contact information. The manuscript file should not include author’s name or institutional affiliation.
It is important to note that manuscripts and book reviews submitted to the journal should not be published or submitted elsewhere simultaneously. The TJDS editors are solely responsible for deciding which articles will be published, and the opinions expressed in the journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, Editorial Board, Advisory Board members or the publisher. If any quoted material or illustrations are reproduced, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain the necessary rights or permissions.
Style Guidelines
Please keep in mind the following style guidelines when submitting your manuscript to the Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies. Your study should reflect the results of thorough research on topics of interest to social scientists, diaspora and migration experts. Since your audience will be international, please write in clear, straightforward English using American spelling. Try to avoid using too much professional jargon. Including relevant illustrations is encouraged. You can find more information on academic writing in our "Academic Writing Guide".
Guest Editor Guide
Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies publishes special sections and issues. If you wish to propose a special section/issue, please email the editor-in-chief Prof. Birgül Demirtaş at Your proposal should include 1000-word summary of the topic, the names and affiliations of the contributors, and the titles and short abstracts of each of the papers. A Special Section/Issue comprises a collection of original research papers, review articles, and an introduction by the Guest Editor(s). The Guest Editor(s) are responsible for liaising with contributing authors and peer reviewers.
Submitting Your Paper
Articles that are written in accordance with the journal's principles and writing rules should be sent via
All articles first go through the editorial evaluation process. Articles that complete this process positively are sent to two referees. If there is a difference between the referee reports, the third referee is consulted.
Once the articles are received, the journal may send them back to the authors for development and/or correction based on the reports. The authors should make the necessary adjustments and send the revised articles back to the journal within 15 days.
Note that due to the 2018 Ulakbim (TR Index) criteria, researchers who wish to publish articles in our journal must have an ORCID number. This number can be obtained for free from
Submission Preparation Checklist
Authors are required to carry out a final check of their submission complies with all the following items. Submissions that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.
- The manuscript is not published before and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The manuscript is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or OpenOffice format.
- URLs are provided for cited sources whenever available.
- The manuscript is submitted with 1.5 line spacing. The font size for the body of the text is 12 pt. Italics are used instead of underscores (except for URLs). All images, figures, and tables are placed in the text at their appropriate points, not at the end.
- The manuscript is complied with the formatting and bibliographic requirements indicated in the Author Guidelines.
- The article is written in accordance with APA format.
-Author information is included on the cover page for the article. The author's name is omitted in the text of the article.