
  • About us


    Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies is an academic peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. The aim of the journal is to publish both quantitative and qualitative articles on diaspora, migration and related topics that provide original contributions and breakthroughs on related topics.

    The journal's objective is to disseminate pioneering works to the existing literature from a range of related disciplines, including Political Science, International Relations, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, and Economics, among others.

    The journal is open access and is cited in the Ebsco, International Political Science Abstracts, Index Islamicus, ERIC Plus and DOAJ indexes. It invites submissions from scholars.

    Should any queries arise, please contact us at:

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  • Call For Papers


    Dear Authors,

    Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies (TJDS) is indexed in ERIH PLUS, DOAJ and EBSCO. You are cordially invited to submit your papers for the fourth volume of the Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies (TJDS). TJDS aims to provide a medium for the publication of original papers covering the entire span of diaspora and migration studies. The editors are particularly eager to publish new and critical works regarding current developments in research and analysis on the subject topics. The first issue of the fifth volume of the journal will be published in March 31th, 2025. Deadline for the submission for this issue is February 15th, 2025.

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